A mother grizzly bear and one of her two cubs were trapped inside the five culvert traps set at the Soda Butte Campground near Cooke City last night, as officials put together the pieces of why a bear went on a rampage at the remote Soda Butte Campground in Montana, killing a Michigan man and injuring two others.
Read More »Why Did Bear — or Bears — Attack at Soda Butte?
Bears and humans have always been an uneasy mix, but the attack by a bear -- or multiple bears, perhaps -- on a campground outside the Northeast Entrance of Yellowstone National Park that left one dead and two injured has locals wondering if anything could have been done to prevent the tragedy.
Read More »Another Death in Yellowstone: Drowning in the Firehole
It seems like we're spending a lot of time covering death and destruction in Yellowstone National Park as of late. Tonight's bad news: 22-year-old Lin Ching-Ling died last night after drowning in the Firehole River near Old Faithful.
Changes in Gun Laws Having Minimal Impact on Yellowstone
So far this summer changes in America's gun laws, allowing legal gun owners to transport weapons in America's National Parks, has had a minimal impact on Yellowstone National Park, according to rangers and Park officials.
Report from the Field: Yellowstone Beach Fire Now 95 Percent Contained
Turn out the lights, Martha: the Beach Fire -- which at one point threatened to take out a large swath of Yellowstone National Park -- is now 95 percent contained, as the Incident Management Team prepares to hand off mop-up operations to the National Park Service tomorrow.
Read More »Report from the Field: Yellowstone Beach Fire Static; Local Control of Firefighting Slated for Tomorrow
The Yellowstone National Park Beach Fire has been contained to the point where control of the firefighting effort will shift back to the National Park Service tomorrow, with other firefighters removed from the current effort today.
Read More »VP Biden: Yellowstone Gives “Nourishment To the Body and Soul”
Vice President Joe Biden gave a surprisingly personal speech to 100 Park employees, their families and contractors yesterday, saying a Yellowstone National Park trip after the loss of his wife and daughter "gave nourishment to the body and soul."
Read More »Debate Over Winter Use Plan Basically Over: Snowmobile Lobby is Winner
Snowmobile-advocacy groups, concessionaires and regional outfitters have already won the battle over the next Winter Use Plan for Yellowstone National Park, as the National Park Service has distilled the many public comments into six proposed usage scenarios that would not really change much at all and continue the current ban on cars in the Park during winter months.
Read More »Report from the Field: Yellowstone Beach Fire Now Three-Quarters Contained
The Yellowstone Beach Fire is almost totally under control: it's stayed at a size of 520 acres for several days now, and firefighting crews estimate that it's almost three-quarters contained.
Read More »The Week That Was: July 25
It was a hot week in Yellowstone National Park, judging by what readers found interesting. Here are the most popular stories posted in the past week on Yellowstone Insider, as measured by page views.