Kevin Kammer came west to fulfill a lifelong dream: fly fishing in Yellowstone National Park. That dream was rudely shattered when he was the victim of a grizzly-bear attack at the Soda Butte Campground just outside Cooke City, an attack that also left two injured.
Read More »American Family Association: God Directed Grizzly to Kill Hiker Outside Yellowstone
Because humans care enough about wildlife to ensure their survival, a grizzly bear killed a hiker outside the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park -- under direct orders from God, no less! Read what else the American Family Association has to say about the tragedy.
Read More »Young Grizzly Accidentally Killed by Yellowstone Park Officials
A malnourished grizzly bear was accidentally killed by National Park Service officials, but it's clear the yearling would not have survived in the long term even if a capture had gone successfully.
Young Yellowstone Grizzly Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident
A young male grizzly was killed in a hit-and-run accident on Hwy. 191 in the northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park, near the Fawn Pass trailhead. It's the first bear casualty of the year in the Park.
First Sign of Spring: Bears Awaken from Slumber
Though the temperatures have been a little colder than normal for this time of year, apparently the Yellowstone bears are listening to their internal clocks, with the first sightings starting in late February.
Read More »New Yellowstone Grizzly Management Plan to be Discussed Today
The Interagency Grizzly Bear Committee -- a group of federal and state officials -- will meet today in Missoula to discuss a new management plan for Yellowtone Ecosystem grizzlies.
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