Maple Fire has grown substantially and is now one-tenth of a mile from the West Entrance Road.
According to a Yellowstone press release, Maple Fire now measures 22,488 acres, growing an additional 6,233 acres over the past 24 hours. In addition to its close proximity to the Road, Maple Fire is now burning four miles from the West Entrance Station and 2.8 miles from Madison Junction.
The West Entrance Road, however, remains open. Most of Maple Fire’s growth happened on the north flanks, away from visitor infrastructure. There was some slight growth on the west side.
Firefighting crews say they do not expect it to cross the road, although they have contingency plans ready in case it crosses the road or if the fire starts shifting toward West Yellowstone. Crews have plans to hold the Maple Fire east of the Madison River.
The National Park Service will still be holding a public meeting at the Union Pacific Dining Hall in West Yellowstone today at 6 p.m. to discuss the Maple Fire and the other fires within the Tatanka (Buffalo) Complex as well as Boundary Fire. Currently, the Tatanka Complex includes Maple, Buffalo, and Fawn Fires.
According to a Yellowstone press release, Buffalo Fire exhibited some growth overnight, although smoke from the Maple Fire impeded said growth. Currently, Buffalo is burning on 2,279 acres.
Fawn Fire also grew overnight to 1,496 acres. Crews say that drying fuels contributed to Fawn’s growth.
Boundary Fire, meanwhile, is now 75 percent contained and still burning on 192 acres. Command of the fire transferred over to another crew at 6 a.m. this morning.
The National Weather Service has issued a red flag warning for the Greater Yellowstone Area as of noon MST. According to a Yellowstone press release, gusty winds (25,30 mph), lower humidity (8-13 percent) and warm temperatures (79-84 degrees) are expected to sustain and/or increase fire activity.