Superintendent Suzanne Lewis is hosting Wednesday’s dedication ceremony, which begins at 11 a.m. The weather forecast: sunny and clear. Should be a gorgeous day.
Yellowstone historian and author Paul Schullery will give Wednesday’s keynote address. Tom Strickland, the assistant secretary of the Interior for Fish and Wildlife and Parks; Jon Jarvis, the director of the National Park Service; and Bannus Hudson, the chairman of the Yellowstone Park Foundation, will also offer remarks during the dedication ceremony.
The event will open with music from the Wyoming National Guard’s 67th Army Band, and the presentation of the colors by the Yellowstone National Park Mounted Color Guard.
Once the doors to the new facility open at the conclusion of the ceremony, visitors can take advantage of refreshments and special programs as they browse the interactive exhibits in the new building, including a working model geyser (shown below).
A crowd is expected. Two of the Park’s Yellow Buses will provide free shuttle service before and after the ceremony between the many parking lots in the area and the new Visitor Education Center.
Over half the cost of the new facility — $15 million of the $27 million cost of design and construction — came from the nonprofit Yellowstone Park Foundation.
The new building features more than just view of Old Faithful and a film loop: it features several interactive exhibits, including a working model of a geyser (shown above), general exhibits on Yellowstone National Park (shown at the bottom of the page) and a special area for kids (shown below).
All images courtesy of the National Park Service.
RELATED STORIES: New Yellowstone Old Faithful Visitor Education Center Set to Open Aug. 25
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