Photographer Steve Horan is confident his new book on Yellowstone is more than a “regional” book.
Read More »The Week That Was: August 8
The most popular stories on Yellowstone Insider the past week, as measured by page views. It was a week where we thought long and hard about the fate of troublesome yet innocent bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, as well as the immediate and long-term tourism in the area.
Final Cole Interview to Air Tonight on YPR
The last interview with the late Jim Cole, the author who championed Yellowstone National Park grizzlies despite a mauling that left him disfigured, will be aired tonight on Yellowstone Public Radio.
In Memoriam: Jim Cole
Jim Cole, an advocate for grizzly bears despite being the victim of two bear maulings in recent years, has passed away due to natural causes. He was 60 and had just published a new book on his experiences with grizzlies in Yellowstone National Park.