The massive 7.2-magnitude Hebgen Lake earthquake on August 17, 1959 is still affecting the Yellowstone National Park region, according to a team of geophysicists at the University of Utah, who say a swarm of up to 3,000 events near Maple Creek from June 2017 to June 2018 is tied to that event.
Read More »4.5 Magnitude Earthquake Rattles West Yellowstone, Gardiner
A 4.5 magnitude earthquake hit northwestern Yellowstone National Park yesterday evening.
Read More »Earthquake Swarm Grazes Yellowstone National Park
A swarm of small earthquakes beset Yellowstone National Park early Tuesday morning.
Read More »No, a Yellowstone Volcano Eruption is Not Imminent
Some faulty readings from a seismometer tracking activity in the Yellowstone National Park area has some folks predicting an impending Yellowstone volcano eruption, but U.S. Geological Survey officials say the data is bad.
Read More »As Earthquakes, Eruptions Rock Rest of World, Yellowstone is Quiet
As the rest of the world and the Western United States deal with high-profile volcanic and seismic activity, the natural question is whether the Yellowstone supervolcano is ready to blow. So far there's little sign of anything like that on the horizon.
Like General Franco, Yellowstone Swarm Still Kicking
It's not engendering the same amount of passion and discussion as it once did, but the 2010 Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm is still alive and kicking -- but just barely.
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Comes Back, Albeit Briefly
The 2010 Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm saw a slight resurgence of activity Tuesday, but has been quiet since then, with no activity at all Wednesday and Thursday morning.
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Winds Down
With only three recorded quakes in the last 24 hours, the Yellowstone earthquake swarm appears to be dying down, paralleling the slowdown in seismic activity around the globe.
Yellowstone Earthquake Swarm Slows Down on Quiet Night
The swarm of small earthquakes rocking the western part of Yellowstone National Park appears to be abating, with a series of small quakes reported yesterday and nothing since midnight.
Yellowstone Swarm: More Smaller Quakes
After two moderate quakes on Wednesday night, the most recent Yellowstone National Park earthquake swarm appears to be shifting, with more quakes recorded on Thursday and Friday morning, but most of the small were of a very minor magnitude.