Yellowstone National Park officials will not search for a grizzly sow who killed a 57-year-old Park visitor yesterday because she did it in the natural course of protecting her cubs, according to Park officials.
Read More »Grizzly Kills Yellowstone National Park Hiker
A grizzly sow with cubs was surprised by two hikers on Yellowstone National Park's Wapiti Lake trail and ended up killing one of them this morning.
Read More »Attacking Soda Butte Grizzly was Sick, Stressed; She Snapped
The results of the necropsy on the grizzly bear that killed one and mauled two others in the Soda Butte Campground outside Yellowstone National Park indicates that she was ill and stressed but not baited, providing some vital clues that could certainly explain her condition.
Read More »The Week That Was: August 8
The most popular stories on Yellowstone Insider the past week, as measured by page views. It was a week where we thought long and hard about the fate of troublesome yet innocent bears in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, as well as the immediate and long-term tourism in the area.
Did Photographer Bait Grizzly into Soda Butte Rampage?
The folks at the Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Department say they're investigating allegations that a photographer was baiting wildlife at the Soda Butte Campground with food in recent weeks, leading them to wonder if that's why a grizzly mother went on a rampage there last week, killing one and mauling two others.
Read More »Another Bad Day to Be a Bear in Yellowstone: Food-Loving Black Bear Put Down
More bear news from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, this time from the Park itself: an overly aggressive black bear was euthanized yesterday by the National Park Service, who ruled out live capture and relocation as options to deal with a bear that had not gone after humans -- only their food.
Read More »Soda Butte Griz Cubs Were Malnourished: Zoo Officials
The three cub bears associated with a deadly killing in Soda Butte Campground just outside the Northeast Entrance to Yellowstone National Park were undernourished and still in their winter coats, according to officials in ZooMontana, providing a crucial clue to why a mother grizzly may have gone on a rampage.
Read More »Should Killer Griz Been Allowed to Live?
For the authorities, putting down a killer grizzly responsible for a Soda Butte Campground rampage was a no-brainer: any time a bear kills euthanasia is virtually automatic. But a surprising number of Internet commentators wanted to see the bear live -- though, as one official pointed out, the farther away they are from Cooke City the more likely they are to argue for clemency.
Read More »Confirmed: Cubs Involved in Soda Butte Tragedy Headed to ZooMontana
The three bear cubs whose mother tore through Soda Butte Campground just outside Yellowstone National Park earlier this week, killing one and injuring two, will be sent to ZooMontana as soon as possible, destined to live the rest of their lives in captivity. Think of it as life without parole.
Read More »Young Yellowstone Grizzly Killed in Hit-and-Run Accident
A young male grizzly was killed in a hit-and-run accident on Hwy. 191 in the northwest corner of Yellowstone National Park, near the Fawn Pass trailhead. It's the first bear casualty of the year in the Park.