September 2019 Yellowstone visitation was down when compared to September 2018 numbers, with 693,118 visits in representing a 4.3 percent decrease from the year before.
Yellowstone has hosted 3,807,814 visits in 2019, down 1.4 percent from the same period in 2018. It followed Yellowstone visitation numbers being up year over year in August 2019.
Here is the year-to-date numbers for recreational visits over the last several years (through September):
2019 – 3,807,814
2018 – 3,860,694
2017 – 3,872,776
2016 – 3,970,778
2015 – 3,814,178
2014 – 3,288,804
For those who closely watch the 2019 Yellowstone visitation numbers, the leveling off when it comes to tourist figures is welcome news, as they’re the folks likely to worry about wear and tear on the park facilities and stress levels for the wildlife.