New construction has begun on a section of the East Entrance road located near Lake Butte at the northern edge of Yellowstone Lake known as “Nine-Mile.”
A combination of water runoff from the mountain above and an unstable earth layer underneath the road surface has caused a section of the road edge to break away over time. Throughout the construction, which is expected to be completed by the end of the season, traffic will be guided through a short, one-lane section with a portable traffic light. Temporary closures may be a possibility, but are not expected.
Motorists entering the park from points east can also chose to enter the park through the Northeast Entrance at Cooke City, Montana, via the Beartooth All-American Highway (US-212) from Red Lodge, Montana, or via the Chief Joseph Scenic Highway (US-296) from Cody, Wyoming.
Construction also continues on the road between Tower Fall and Tower-Roosevelt. No nighttime closures are in effect, yet visitors could experience delays of up to a half an hour passing through the area.