Concerns about potential bear incidents have prompted Gallatin National Forest officials to allow only hard-sided campers in three Cooke City-area campgrounds, including one where a rampaging bear killed a man last summer.
Read More »Yellowstone Launches Bear Spray Recycling Service
We've all been there: Hiking in Yellowstone National Park and armed with a trusty can of bear spray -- only to see the investment wasted when hitting the airport and realizing it's a banned item on the airplane. Park officials want to change that with a new recycling program.
Read More »Shift in Yellowstone Bison Management in Place for 2011
A long-awaited shift in Yellowstone National Park bison management is now in place. Bison roaming past Gardiner will be hazed and tested for exposure to brucellosis; those testing negative will be moved to the Gallatin National Forest, while the rest will be moved back to the Park. Critics say the new plan treats bison like cattle.
Read More »Could Court Ruling Boost Lynx Population in Yellowstone?
When U.S. District Court Judge Donald Molloy ruled that U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service illegally limited the size of protected territory for the endangered lynx, he may have opened the door for the elusive lynx to make a reappearance in Yellowstone National Park.
Spring Yellowstone Bison Hazing Begins
It's time for the annual roundup of Yellowstone National Park bison, as Montana officials begin hazing the almost 150 bison who wandered off the farm this winter.
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