More bear news from the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, this time from the Park itself: an overly aggressive black bear was euthanized yesterday by the National Park Service, who ruled out live capture and relocation as options to deal with a bear that had not gone after humans -- only their food.
Read More »Soda Butte Griz Cubs Were Malnourished: Zoo Officials
The three cub bears associated with a deadly killing in Soda Butte Campground just outside the Northeast Entrance to Yellowstone National Park were undernourished and still in their winter coats, according to officials in ZooMontana, providing a crucial clue to why a mother grizzly may have gone on a rampage.
Read More »Mother Griz Put Down After DNA Confirmation; Three Cubs May Go to ZooMontana
A captured mother grizzly was put down this afternoon after DNA tests determined she was responsible for a deadly rampage through the Soda Butte Campground in Cooke City that left one dead and two injured; the fate of her three cubs still needs to be finalized.
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