Tag Archives: aspen

More Wolves = Fewer Elk = Yellowstone Aspen Comeback

It’s being hailed as a success in restoring balance to the area: the reintroduction of wolves has lessened the elk population — which in turn is fueling a Yellowstone aspen comeback.

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Major Yellowstone Fires Could Become Yearly Occurrence: Study

1988 Yellowstone National Park Fires

1988 Yellowstone National Park Fires

Climate change could severely impact Yellowstone National Park and the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem by 2050, with serious wildfires occurring yearly and forests becoming wide-open prairies, according to a scientific study released Monday.

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As the Results Come In: Wolves Are Not Saving Yellowstone’s Aspen


WolfBack in the 1990s, when wolves were re-introduced to Yellowstone National Park, there was a lot of speculation among biologists about how the wolves would affect the ecology. It was important speculation because such a large-scale re-introduction of wolves had never been tried before, and there was a lot riding on its outcome. Not too surprisingly, as research on the results of the re-introduction comes in, not all of the speculation turns out to be true.

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