April 16, 2018

Yellowstone Forever Raises $1M For North Entrance Reconstruction

It took just three days for Yellowstone National Park nonprofit partner Yellowstone Forever to raise $1 million for the planned 2020 North Entrance reconstruction, leading to a $1 million match from the National Park Foundation.

The two-year reconstruction project is expected to launch in early summer 2020. This construction will add an additional lane and kiosk to improve traffic flow and reduce lines; replace the existing two buildings with one larger building/station and two kiosks; improve the flow of employee and delivery traffic from Robert Reamer Avenue; improve pedestrian safety by realigning parking along Robert Reamer Avenue; and replace the water line along Robert Reamer Avenue. Funding for this project comes from the Federal Highways Administration, Yellowstone Forever, the National Park Foundation, and fees collected in the park. (More details on this project and other 2020 Yellowstone road-construction projects here.)

“This $2 million donation helps the park reach its funding goal for the North Entrance Project,” said John Walda, interim president & CEO of Yellowstone Forever. “We would have not been able to capitalize on this remarkable opportunity for Yellowstone if it wasn’t for the support of our generous partners and donors, and we thank them for the chance to provide a lasting impact on the park.”

“We couldn’t accomplish all that we do without partners like Yellowstone Forever and the National Park Foundation,” said Cameron Sholly, superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. “These funds will help the National Park Service leverage the federal funding already allocated for this project.”

Photo of previous construction near Mammoth, courtesy National Park Service.

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