Yellowstone 1920s movies

Old Yellowstone: 1920s Movies

We’ve all seen the hundreds and hundreds of historic Haynes postcards and photos, but for a great look at the Park from a bygone era, check out these amazing Yellowstone 1920s movies.

The movies were shot and edited by George Wallace Struble, a Bethlehem Steel VP who also shot commercially. He traveled extensively for the era, and three of his movies (among many) was donated by daughter Margaret Struble Pazzetti to the Prelinger Archives, who put them online. Yellowstone 1920s movies are a rarity: Yellowstone wasn’t mobbed by tourists as it is now, and very few people shot home movies on the road in this manner. In addition, movies didn’t survive unless someone went to great work (as Pazzetti and family obviously did) to preserve them. Considering everything, these movies are in remarkably good shape. Enjoy.

This movie covers Old Faithful, Castle Geyser, the Kepler Cascades, the Grand Canyon and bears. Lots of bears.

This movie covers visits to Mammoth Hot Springs and Norris Geyser Basin, as well as more interaction with bears.

No people in this last movie: just shots of geysers and waterfalls.

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