Visitation to Yellowstone National Park was down slightly in August 2012 when compared to August 2011, but the yearly numbers for visitation are up slightly from 2011.
The Park recorded 780,286 recreational visitors in July 2012, down 3.1 percent from last year. Despite the decline, it was still the third highest August visitation recorded.
Recreational August Year-to-Year Visitors Change 2012 780,286 - 3.1 % 2011 805,173 - 5.8 % 2010 854,837 + 13.5 % 2009 752,983 + 3.0 % 2008 731,063 + 3.0 % 2007 710,781
The number of recreational visitors entering Yellowstone for the first eight months of the calendar year is up compared to 2011. The park recorded 2,710,518 recreational visitors from January through August 2012, a 2.1 percent year-to-year increase.
Recreational 2012 2011 Change Visitors January 24,766 24,517 + 1.0 % February 27,752 28,174 - 1.5 % March 20,248 18,728 + 8.1 % April 29,056 28,147 + 3.2 % May 268,251 207,842 + 29.1% June 671,825 634,316 + 5.9 % July 888,335 906,935 - 2.1 % August 780,286 805,173 - 3.1 % Total Year-to-Date 2,710,518 2,653,832 + 2.1 %
July is typically the park’s peak visitation month, followed by August, June, September, and May.