International Migratory Bird Day is an annual event to celebrate and support migratory bird conservation. Like clockwork, each spring many migratory birds return to or fly over environments like Yellowstone National Park en route to their breeding areas. Yellowstone and the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center staff will celebrate IMBD on Saturday, May 21, with programs and a field trip that are open to the public.
At 8 a.m., participants will meet inside Yellowstone National Park at the Madison Junction picnic area for a ranger-led, bird-watching car caravan with periodic stops along the Madison River. Birds found in the forest and meadows along the river include sandhill cranes, shorebirds, waterfowl, raptors, and songbirds. A bald eagle nest will be the focus of one of the featured stops and discussions. The field trip will conclude at noon.
Suggested items for the field trip include warm clothes, water, binoculars and a snack, if desired.
From 1:00 to 5:00 p.m., the Grizzly and Wolf Discovery Center (201 S. Canyon St., West Yellowstone) will host IMBD programs, games and crafts. Children of all ages can play the migration game “It’s a Risky Journey,” create bird masks and origami, see live raptors (a rough-legged hawk and western screech owl) and more.
The activities are free of charge, but those wishing to explore the rest of the Discovery Center will be required to pay a fee, and field trip participants are required to pay the park entrance fee of $25 per vehicle.
For further information on IMBD programs or field trips call Katy Duffy at 307/344-2754.
Image courtesy of the National Park Service.
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